The Lovely Blog Award – Oh That’s Lovely!

Namaste to everyone! A lovely blogger has lovingly nominated me for a Lovely Blog Award! Now that’s lovely. Thank you so much ALALYAK for recognizing and appreciating my worth on WordPress. One must check out her blog because it is sure to make you feel good about yourself and feel inspired. Get on her blog and get smiling!

Seven Facts About Me:

  1. I am naturally funny and good at singing
  2. I have been bullied at school
  3. I have studied in 6 schools and stayed in 4 cities in India
  4. My native place is Bihar (also the state in which Bodh Gaya is situated, where the Buddha is said to have obtained Enlightenment). I currently stay in Mumbai.
  5. I was never naturally good at studies, but I definitely dream about doing great things. Proof: I am on WordPress with amazing people like you.
  6. I have my weird habits, but I usually do not judge people. In  fact, I love people; expect when they don’t give good vibes.
  7. I currently work at a non profit organisation. But I plan to create a strong network, where people learn from each other, there is less of discrimination, and more of knowledge sharing.

My Nominations:

Yay! The Rules are:

  1. Thank the person that nominated you and leave a link to their blog
  2. Post about the award
  3. Share seven facts about yourself
  4. Nominate at most 15 people
  5. Let your nominees know that they’ve been nominated

As I conclude, I want you to know that blogging makes me the happy and reading posts from all around the world makes me even happier. Since I do not end up reading all posts on my feed, I support each one of you!

Stay strong, Stay Happy!

8 Replies to “The Lovely Blog Award – Oh That’s Lovely!”

  1. Thank you, Bhavana! Happy Blogging.
    Surely, a good award for you, congratulations and thanks for the nomination. Good to know about you, Northern state, you usually don’t judge people(usually). 😉 Good to come across. Happy days!

    Liked by 1 person

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