1) talking to other humans. 2) just breathing.

Daily writing prompt
Describe one simple thing you do that brings joy to your life.

I love talking to other people.

I love the fact that humans are so deep, similar to each other.

Yes, we can have bad experiences every now and then. But even then, the more I experience life and open up more to people, I realize that everyone’s life is tough and we are navigating through life in our own ways.

Self knowledge is also important. the more I sit with myself, i realize my own mistakes, understand my lessons.

Once I do that, I realize (in most situations) that others are doing the same.

I came across two wonderful posts on the internet which make a lot of sense to me now.


and now from this video from Youtube

You will receive Lessons
There are no Mistakes Only Lessons
Lessons are repeated until they are learned
Learning Lessons do not end
There is no better than here
What you make of life is up to you
The Answers of Life’s questions within you

(I do not completely agree with everything on the video, but these points are good).

i love you ❤️‍






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